FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).
FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

      Work description

      Appearance of the main window of the program is presented in the following drawing.

Window of a choice of tasks of archiving

      Purpose of elements of the main window.

      1. The list of tasks – a field in which the list of all tasks created in the program is displayed. The performance time, the name and the description of tasks is specified. Performance of each task can be suspended or renewed by removal or the ticks installation which is in the left column of the list.
      2. The buttons "Add", "Edit", "Delete" are intended for creation, change and removal of tasks respectively
      3. The button «Restore data» serves for automatic recovery of data from archive which is created after performance of a task which is chosen in the list.
      4. The group of buttons «Do tasks» are intended for immediate performance (without waiting the next time according to the schedule) the task apportioned in the list, all tasks in the list or those tasks from the list which are noted by "ticks".
      5. The button « List of archivers’ settings» opens a window for choosing the archiver and changing its settings.
      6. "Tick" «Program StartUp» establishes or cancels automatic start of the program at turning on of the computer
      7. Purpose of other buttons clearly from their names and doesn't demand the separate description.

      At creation new or change of an existing task the following window opens:

Window of the task of archiving

      In this window the opportunity of complete control of the task intended for performance is given.

      There is only one requirement to filling of a given form – the name of a task can't be empty and should be unique for each task.

      Purpose of elements of a task change window.

      1. The name of a task is displayed in heading of a window. You can change it in the field with the same name “The task name”.
      2. "Tick" «To carry out this task» is similar to the function of "tick" which is in the left column of the list of the main program’s window and allows suspending or renewing performance of this task
      3. The field «The task description» isn't obligatory for filling and has exclusively informational character.
      4. In the field «The folder in which archiving will be made» it is necessary to specify the folder in which the archive file will be placed. In case the field is left empty, the archive will be placed in the working folder of this program.
      5. The group of radio buttons «Periodicity of archiving» is intended for choosing one of six options:
         «only on demand» - archiving won't be made in an automatic mode and will be carried out only on pressing of one of buttons «Do tasks» in the main window of the program.
         «at each start» - archiving will be made once at each start of the program.
         «each hour, day, week, month» - archiving will be made once at the appointed time once in an hour, day, week, month respectively.
      6. The group of radio buttons «If archiving is passed» intended for an action choice in case the next time of performance of a task (the computer was switched off at this time or the program wasn't started).
      7. A field «Use settings of the archiver» and the button «List of archivers’ settings» are intended for choosing the archiver and changing its settings. Program automatically looks for the archivers established on the computer (WinRar or WinZip) and independently makes installation of the main configuration of settings.
      8. In the lower part of a window the list of files or folders is located (further "objects") which will be archived at performance of this task. For addition of objects in the list it is enough to drag and drop it from any window of Windows on this window. It is possible to add objects both on one, and group. For changing a name of object (for example, for the indication "masks" of fouls with use of signs * and ?) the button «Change an object name».
      9. After introduction of all changes it is necessary to press the "Save" button.

      Also it is recommended to read Usage considerations

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